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Choose your pricing plan

  • Basic Plan

    Every month
    This package is for children who for the most part are doing well but could benefit from occupational therapy to address one or two specific skills.
    Valid for 6 months
    • One 50-minute session per week (*excluding holidays)
    • One 30 minute video or phone call with parents per month
  • Essential Plan

    Every month
    This is the most commonly recommended package as it provides a robust home therapy program and more consultative time to discuss what's working during therapy sessions and strategies for carry over.
    Valid for 6 months
    • One 50-minute session per week (*excluding holidays)
    • One 30 minute video or phone call with parents per month
    • Weekly updates and home guidance program
  • Ultimate Plan

    Every month
    This package provides additional therapy sessions for a child who may benefit from a greater level of support as well as materials for home to support a particular skill that is being addressed.
    Valid for 6 months
    • Twice weekly 50 min in-person sessions (*excluding holidays)
    • One 30 minute video or phone call with parents per month
    • Weekly updates and home guidance program
    • 12-24 hour response to email and text.
    • Therapy supplies
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